Sunday, December 15, 2013

Spooky Pudding

The above is what I busied myself with earlier this evening. Every year, I bake an absurd amount of Christmas cookies with my mother and a couple of her friends. I adore baking, and I tend to go overboard when it comes to holidays. I really enjoy themed foods and baked goods (notice the rice krispy "wreaths" in the second row?).

This past Halloween, my favorite time of year, I decided to make a large amount of vanilla pudding for my boyfriend and dye it green. I mixed the ingredients, calling it "Spooooooky Pudding!" with a cackle and crazy eyes. He was somewhat amused by my creativity, but not by the finished product. Apparently I had purchased pudding that needed to be cooked over a stove top. After three different attempts, I had burned all of the cooked pudding, creating a green and black mess that tasted quite like dog poop.

We ate it anyway.

And that's all I really have to say. Except that I currently cannot find my favorite Beanie Baby and I'm quite distraught.

ChimChim come back,

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